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Elul Messages 5780 (2020)

08/16/2020 03:18:01 PM


Below are weekly messages from the clergy during the month of Elul to help prepare for the High Holy Days,
plus links to Shofar recordings! (Because this page is blog-style, the earliest posts are at the bottom of this...Read more...

Shofar Blasts! - Elul Week 4

09/13/2020 09:01:52 AM


Want even MORE Shofar? Click the image to hear the sounds of the Shofar in preparation for the coming High Holy Days! (Part 2 of a series of videos featuring some of our amazing Ba-alei T'kiah (shofar blowers) at Beth Ahabah.)Read more...

Week 4: Acknowledging the Hungers Within Us

09/13/2020 09:00:55 AM


Cantor Sarah Beck-Berman

24 Elul 5780 / 13 September 2020

What are the things we want most in our lives? The answers are probably different for each one of us, but I suspect in many cases they fall into two general categories: “things that keep us alive” and “things that help us feel good.” Things that keep us alive in the immediate sense tend to be the same for all of us: health, sustenance, shelter, and safety. All very important things!...Read more...

Shofar Blasts! - Elul Week 3

09/06/2020 09:01:01 AM


Click HERE to hear the sounds of the Shofar in preparation for the coming High Holy Days! (Part of a series of videos featuring some of our amazing Ba-alei T'kiah (shofar blowers) at Beth Ahabah.)Read more...

Week 3: Perspective & Invitation to S'lichot 

09/06/2020 09:00:38 AM


Rabbi Scott Nagel

17 Elul 5780 / 6 September 2020

Do you remember that old movie, Groundhog Day, with Bill Murray? It came out in 1993, 27 years ago – the same year I graduated High School. :) Our boys are getting older, and Rabbi Randi Nagel and I decided to introduce them to the classics, so we started weekly family movie nights this past summer. Let me explain what our understanding of the classics are: Lethal Weapon, Die Hard, Ferris...Read more...

Week Two: Connection

08/30/2020 09:00:04 AM


Cantor Sarah Beck-Berman

10 Elul 5780 / 30 August 2020

One subject at the forefront of our minds this summer has been connection. From deep personal connections to casual conversations, even our internet connections have been important, now perhaps more than ever before!
In Jewish tradition, we are taught that the mitzvot (commandments, things we are supposed to do and ways we are supposed to behave) can be discussed as two overall types:...Read more...

Week One: Capacity

08/23/2020 09:00:15 AM


Rabbi Scott Nagel

3 Elul 5780 / 23 August 2020

The High Holy Days are not just Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. They are a season of time that begin NOW in the month of Elul and continue through the end of Sukkot and Simchat Torah. Elul is the Hebrew month directly preceding Rosh Hashanah – the last 29 days of the Jewish Year.
There is work to be done in Elul. The great journey of turning, repentance and transformation begins...Read more...

Mon, September 16 2024 13 Elul 5784