(photo credit: Terry Brown)
Shabbat Services
Come join in Beth Ahabah’s Shabbat evening services! Services are held at 6:15 p.m. on Friday nights preceded by an oneg at 5:45pm. Please see our calendar for further details about Friday evening services, as well as holiday services. Some services feature our Beth Ahabah volunteer choir.
We offer services both in person on Friday evenings in our sanctuary and on our YouTube Channel (Congregation Beth Ahabah, Richmond, VA). Please Subscribe to be notified of new content.
Our siddur, or prayer book, is Mishkan T’filah, the newest prayer book of the Reform movement. If you are interested in purchasing the prayer book, please visit the following links:
• Discounted Amazon Kindle Edition: click here
• Print book from the publisher: click here for regular print (click here for large print)
Special Services:
- Once a month from October to May our Shabbat services feature the Beth Ahabah Choir (our adult volunteer choir), directed by Cantor Sarah Beck-Berman and Music Director Natan Berenshteyn, whose music ranges from contemporary to classical.
- Our smallest congregants are celebrated as well with Tot Shabbat, an informal Shabbat service for very young children and their families which is held about once a month. Tot Shabbat includes a short service, followed by a snack and activities. They are held on Saturday mornings at 9:00am.
- At some Shabbat evening services during the year, we honor members of the Congregation, such as volunteers or our auxiliary groups. On occasion, we use creative services made especially for the evening and may welcome guest speakers to the Congregation.
For more information on our Shabbat services, contact the Temple office at (804) 358-6757.