Joyful Connection and Celebration! Updated Protocols for Gathering
Effective Fri. March 4, 2022
Dear Congregation Beth Ahabah Family,
The last few years have been an unexpected crash course in the Jewish principle “Kol Yisrael arevim zeh bazeh,” meaning “the community of Israel is responsible for one another.” We have worked together as a community over the last two years by adopting safety measures and precautions to help protect the vulnerable among us. For us at Beth Ahabah, this crash course began near this time of year in 2020, just after Purim. During that time, our RIPE Committee, including our medical advisors, has met frequently in order to assess and reassess our health and safety protocols with up-to-date information.
At the present time, in light of continuing declines in case counts and hospitalizations, the substantial protections conveyed by vaccinations and boosters, as well as advancements and availability of anti-viral treatments, our medical advisors have approved the following protocol updates, effective beginning Friday March 4, 2022.
These new protocols apply equally across all congregational programming, including:
Shabbat Services, Sanctuary Programs & Life Cycle Events
Adult Small Groups & Meetings
Beit Midrash Adult & Teen and Education Programs
Religious School & Youth Group Gatherings
Updated Protocols:
Masks are now optional for all attendees, but we respectfully request anyone over the age of 5 who is not yet vaccinated to wear a mask while indoors. (Anyone who wishes to continue wearing a mask may do so, a decision that we will fully support.)
Vaccinations/boosters are no longer required, however, we strongly encourage everyone to get the COVID-19 vaccine and any applicable boosters who is able to do so.
A section of the Sanctuary will continue to be designated as “mask-required” for those attendees who prefer this additional safety precaution while attending Sanctuary programs (like Shabbat services).
Congregational food service will resume for all.
Regarding Religious School and Youth Group Gatherings, the changes listed above reflect the updated policies of the local public school systems, as well as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local Health Department which we have consulted in making decisions about all our programming.
The above changes will apply to upcoming Congregational programming including:
Shabbat Services beginning Friday, March 4 (virtual services are scheduled to continue for those that prefer an alternative option)
Religious School beginning Sunday, March 6
Tot Shabbat & Talmud Lunch & Learn beginning Saturday, March 12
(for a complete list of upcoming services and programs, see our calendar:
As always, we encourage everyone in our Beth Ahabah Family to participate in any or all of this upcoming programming in whatever ways are possible and comfortable for each of you.
The one constant, as all the experts have said, is change, and that is still true in this message: the protocols above can and will be changed if need be. We will continue to monitor the situation and communicate any changes with you as they arise.
Lee Katz, 1st Vice President, Chair of RIPE Committee
Julie Mullian, President of Board of Managers
Rabbi Scott Nagel
Cantor Sarah Beck-Berman
Heather Dinkin, Director of Congregational Operations
James Hensley, Facilities Manager
Click HERE for the CCAR Resolution on COVID-19 Vaccination.
Congregation Beth Ahabah
1121 West Franklin Street
Richmond, VA 23220