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Elul Messages 5781 (2021)

07/11/2021 11:00:01 AM


Weekly messages from the clergy during the month of Elul to help prepare for the High Holy Days.
(Because this page is blog-style, the earliest posts are at the bottom of this page!)

To read...

Shofar Blast: Loving Your Neighbor

08/29/2021 10:11:37 PM


Rabbi Scott Nagel

Elul Week Four. Living Our Values: Loving Your Neighbor. V'ahavta L'reiacha. Many people are familiar with the teaching in Leviticus...Read more...

Shofar Blast: Being Welcoming

08/22/2021 09:03:52 AM


Cantor Sarah Beck-Berman

Elul Week Three. Living Our Values: Being Welcoming. Hachnasat Orchim, Kavod, & Hachalah. In the Torah, we learn that Abraham and Sarah were the quintessential hosts...Read more...

Shofar Blast: Paying Attention

08/15/2021 09:03:52 AM


Rabbi Scott Nagel

Elul Week Two. Living Our Values: Paying Attention. Sh'ma & Hineini. Two friends run into each other and are quickly catching up about their summer...Read more...

Shofar Blast: Living Our Values

08/08/2021 09:03:37 AM


Cantor Sarah Beck-Berman

Introducing Living Our Values. Another year is winding to a close. As we enter Elul, a month of preparation before the coming High Holy Days...Read more...
Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784