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Congregational Update: Shabbat & High Holy Day Services

06/19/2020 04:45:31 PM


Dear Congregation Beth Ahabah Family,

As the last few months have progressed, our lives have changed in ways we could never have predicted. We at Beth Ahabah want to continue supporting you in any way we can.

While we are currently operating remotely from home offices and holding virtual-only services, the executive staff has been meeting with an incredible collection of lay leaders serving on Congregation Beth Ahabah’s Return to In-Person Events Committee, including medical advisors who are congregants in addition to members of many different cohorts of the congregation, to examine our health and safety protocols and establish a plan for in-person worship services and other temple activities. The goal of this committee is to develop strategies and solutions to most effectively meet the needs of our community while upholding the Jewish value of pikuach nefesh, preserving life, and providing for everyone’s health and safety, which is our highest priority. We will, of course, fully abide by governmental regulations and the guidelines provided by the CDC.

With all of this in mind, and subject to change at any time as circumstances in our local area and state may dictate, we are excited to announce that the committee has approved a limited in-person option for Shabbat services beginning Friday, August 7. Additionally, we will continue to provide online access to all services. Please carefully read the following information about this tentative plan:

  • As we get closer to August 7, the committee will revisit if an in-person option is still feasible. If this changes, we will communicate it to you as soon as possible.

  • To meet all necessary guidelines, there will be a limited number of people allowed inside the building. As such, registration online will be required to gain entry prior to each service. At the moment, it is our intention to limit in-person attendance on August 7 to no more than 75 people. This allows for ample spacing within the synagogue well in excess of six feet.

  • For those who do attend in person, there will be a series of entry protocols and requirements including but not limited to wearing masks, social distancing (including signage, floor markers, pew markers, and more). More details about these entry protocols and requirements will be communicated prior to August 7.

  • Because of the spacing requirements to maintain a safe distance between individuals and families, all on-campus services will be held in the Sanctuary until further notice.

  • We are considering a number of other creative ideas for future services – stay tuned!

Regarding the High Holy Days, we are thinking creatively and are working toward a Once-In-A-Lifetime High Holiday Experience that will truly be something memorable and enjoyable. Stay tuned for more details as we continue to put everything in place for a BIG announcement.

Please know that the executive staff are working hard on a plan which accommodates the changing nature of our world. It is our goal to ensure that you have the best High Holy Day experience possible.

Please take note of the following High Holy Day dates:

  • Rosh Hashanah Evening: Friday, September 18

  • Rosh Hashanah Day: Saturday, September 19

  • Yom Kippur Evening: Sunday, September 27

  • Yom Kippur Day: Monday, September 28

Thank you for your patience as we navigate this uncertain time together. We look forward to resuming our many in-person activities as soon as it is safe to do so, and thank you once again for your understanding and for being such an amazing community.

Rabbi Scott Nagel
The Sophia and Nathan Gumenick Senior Rabbi

Cantor Sarah Beck-Berman
Cantor and B’nei Mitzvah Coordinator

Heather Dinkin
Director of Congregational Operations

James Hensley
Facilities Manager

Charley Scher
President, Board of Managers

Sat, May 4 2024 26 Nisan 5784